Becherovka Original – The more passion, the more joy
Color grading, Compositor, Matte Painting, Online, TVC, VFXI was responsible for all kind of post production work: day for night color grading, overall color grading finishing, Matte Painting, set extension, packshot animation, VFX like fire and smoke, liquid replacement, retouching like eyes, complete set of teeth replacement, ironing clothes and more…
agency: Havas worldwide Prague
production: Dream Studios
director: Jakob Ström
creative directors: Vilem Kabzan, Eda Kauba
Matte Painting, set extension, vfx: Martin Koleják
Becherovka is a popular liqueur in Czech Republic with a pretty robust back-story — first created in 1807, only two people in the world know the exact recipe and, every Wednesday, one of them personally mixes the herbs for maceration.